Why is the Chandra Grahan of 5/5/2023 Special?

lunar eclipse time

According to Indian time, this lunar eclipse will start at 08:44 tonight, which will end at 01:01 in the late night.

How will be the view of the first lunar eclipse of the year 2023

This lunar eclipse will be a penumbral lunar eclipse, in which the shadow of the earth will not be visible above the moon, but the color of the moon will be dim for normal days.

Moon will look like this in the sky

This lunar eclipse will be a shadow eclipse called penumbral lunar eclipse. In this type of lunar eclipse, there is no change in the size of the moon, but a dusty layer appears above the moon.

Today the lunar eclipse will last for a long time

According to Indian time, the first lunar eclipse of the year will begin at 8.45 pm. This lunar eclipse will last till late night till 1.01 am.

what to do after lunar eclipse

take Ganga Jal bath in the water. Also get the deities of the house bathed. Mop the whole house in salt water. It is believed that by doing this the negative effect of eclipse ends.

After 130 years, the great coincidence of Mercury full moon and lunar eclipse

Lunar eclipse will be visible on these

Tonight's first penumbral lunar eclipse is going to take place in Swati Nakshatra and Libra. This lunar eclipse can be seen in parts of Asia, Australia, Russia, America, North Africa and Europe.

People of four zodiac signs will have to be careful on the lunar eclipse tonight

Moon will be present in the zodiac during the eclipse and will be afflicted by Ketu. Gemini, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn zodiac signs have to be careful.

Two eclipses on the standards of 15 days

20 April 2023 5 May 2023

Rare coincidence on lunar eclipse after 12 years

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