Follow These 10 Ways 

If You Want to be Fair

Enter the handshake interaction with an open mind and a willingness to treat the other person with fairness and respect.

1. Approach with an open mind:

Give your full attention to the person you are shaking hands with. Avoid distractions and actively listen to what they have to say.

2. Be present:

Regardless of someone's gender, race, age, or any other characteristic, treat all individuals equally and extend the same level of respect during the handshake.

3. Treat everyone equally:

Ensure that your handshake grip is neither too weak nor too strong, aiming for a neutral and balanced grip that is comfortable for both parties.

4. Maintain a neutral grip:

Establish eye contact during the handshake to convey that you are attentive and engaged in the interaction.

5. Make eye contact:

Shake hands for a moderate amount of time, neither excessively quick nor excessively prolonged, to ensure fairness and consistency in your handshaking approach.

6. Shake hands for an appropriate duration:

Be aware of and respect cultural differences in handshaking practices. Research and be open to understanding different cultural norms to avoid unintentionally disrespecting others.

7. Adapt to cultural differences:

Maintain good hand hygiene by washing your hands regularly and avoiding shaking hands if you are ill or have dirty hands. This consideration shows fairness to others' health and well-being.

8. Practice good hygiene:

Treat everyone you meet with fairness, regardless of personal biases or preferences. Avoid favoring certain individuals over others based on external factors.

9. Avoid favoritism:

Express gratitude and appreciation for the handshake by saying thank you or offering a kind word. This small act can help create a positive and fair connection between individuals.

10. Show gratitude and appreciation:

Remember, fairness is a fundamental principle to apply in all interactions, including handshakes.

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